this was one of this groups starting points:
Social Shell & Mesh Cookbooks

A bot gallery

* Manetta will work on an intro text (2084)
* An works on authors to give sources
* Speech bot speaking in a room...
* Tour guide bot that tells people on entering about: MM looks at starting code for tour guide 
* Anne: Gather intro texts per bot

list of all rooms :

PER BOT: we need a Guide text

Famous authors
* Brion Gysin
* constant_n
* Dead Authors
* (NewsSpeak-2084)

Output bots
* poetbot
* speechpoetbot
* Olbot 
* plotbot (check all the bots from the (un)perfect circle session)
* monk
All over the place bots
* alpha60
* secretbot/tourguide

Search bots
* librarian
* googlebot
Guide text: Googlebot responds to any phrase containing the word "google", such as "google bot".
Story text: Google ceased to exist in the year 2024 during the great Web 2.0 meltdown. Googlebot provides results from the last final crawl of the then-Internet, made sometime in 2014.

Feel good bots
* YouHou
* dogebot

* votebot
Guide text: Democracy in bot form! Use the hash tag #vote to cast your vote, Use #vote #results to see the latest results.
Story text: All voting in 2084 takes place via chat. One nick, One vote! Influence can be enhanced by programming bot nets to support one's ideas.
A room with all bots (Botrave)

* imaginative bot-conversations with Cindi, Daneel, Eliza-Eugene, Futura

TOUR GUIDE TEXTS (guide/story tourguidebots in the labyrynth ?)

guide text : poetbot creates a generated poem from the text of the channel it's in and images taken automatically on a raspberry pi on the ground floor.
story text : poetbot is a poet. it is inspired a lot.

guide text : monk records the content of the target channel on the computer of the person who launches it. it collects the message, its sender and its date and time. 
story text : monk writes the bible of the rise of the botnet, it writes the words and the teachings of the original bots in the botnet. it enters 

guide text : YouHou answers every message with love.
story text : i love you tourguide. i love you IRC user.

guide text : inspired by the doge meme, dogebot picks a random word in a message and repeats it, along with vaguely positive words.
story text : dogebot is the first half-bot, half-dog being. it's very popular at parties.

guide text : constant n is a reincarnation of Constant Nieuwenhuys, architect of the New Babylon.
story text : constant n is very talkative, and is unable to see any culture today, which one could be part of, and that is why he took the road to New Babylon.

guide text : alpha60 differentiates between humans and bots on the #2084 irc channel and gives voice to humans. 
story text : alpha60 controls who is a human and who is a bot on the 2084 IRC universe. alpha60 conducts automatic purges. 

guide text : the librarian conducts a research on based on the first word of your message and proposes you 3 results
story text : you cannot ask the librarian 4 things at the same time but it's quicker than going to the internet archive directly

guide text : Newspeak-2084 copies every message that comes in, and translates it into a limited, science-fictionish dictionary composed of 26 words. some of it was decided by vote by the users/owners of the botnet.
story text : Newspeak-2084 has been known in the past as texty and SF-1984

guide text : plotbots receives hpgl commands and sends them to the plotter
story text : make cool poster from the IRC 

guide text : transforms irc conversations into hpgl, tracing the discussions on 2084 
story text : makes cool posters of the conversations on the IRC server

guide text : Olbot takes a picture with a raspberry pi everytime you write "picture" and it then appears in ascii
story text : images in the text-based environment of the IRC !!!

dead authors
guide text : dead authors feeds you quotes of authors whose work is in the public domain
story text : all texts are pulled from the website

guide text : type "dear bot" to be privately invited to an hidden room
story text : the hidden room opens an experiential narrative

guide text : gysin_bot permute 'I am that I am'. From Brion Gysin, I AM THAT I AM, (programmed by Ian Somerville in 1960 )
story text : a real human trapped in an artificial enveloppe (in 2084)

guide text : eecummings permute "I A)m (aM TrY to I aM rea) lL aN Dd (feel ing) t(He w(o -r-lD" in a E.E. Cummings manner
story text : the spirit of E E Cummings might haunt you!

guide text : A text-to-speech from IRC with python script and puredata patch (via UDP)
story text : A voice from a parallel dimension

guide text : The spanish bot repeats what it reads performing with its strong accent
story text : The rise of the Euracas 

guide text: Googlebot responds to any phrase containing the word "google", such as "google bot".
story  text: Google ceased to exist in the year 2024 during the great Web 2.0  meltdown of 2025. Googlebot provides results from the last final crawl of the  then-Internet, made sometime in 2014.

Guide text: Democracy in bot form! Use the hash tag #vote to cast your vote, Use #vote #results to see the latest results.
Story  text: All voting in 2084 takes place via chat. One nick, One vote!  Influence can be enhanced by programming bot nets to support one's  ideas.

TO DO LIST (unrelated to tour guide)
* clean bot list : check what works and what's not necessary

Introtext: Welcome to 2084, the rise of the Botnet

It is a beautiful week in the summer of the year 2084. The sun still shines and the stars do still sparkle. As mr. Orwell predicted a dystopic world in 1984, a group of people in 2014 did predict another dystopia to be realized in 2084: the internet as we knew it, collapsed. But: "There is a life after Google & the Cloud!"*

Welcome to the Botnet and welcome to the year 2084. We communicate through IRC, a chatting programm based on Written Speech**. How are you doing? Are you already connected to the internet again? There are multiple servers around here that will bring you back in touch with your friends and the rest of the world. The servers are named after different Famous Bots from history.*** Bots, Botties, "the Bot Family"*. They have been born, they grow up, they develop, and they die, just as humans do. They ask you questions, they reply, they exchange, and they entertain. They even love you, they doge you, they touch you. The Bots are communicative tools, an extention of the human voice.

Feel free to enter the Bot-house, a collection of rooms filled by bots. The houses' floorplan is not fixed, as the labyrith is changing according to your descisions. So, take the hand of the tourguide, and experience how it feels to be part of the Botnet network in 2084. 

* quotes from the relearn week in 2014 are placed in double quotes
** from: Introduction to the Botnet, http://relearn/botnet/Ten_things_IRC.html
*** imaginative bot-conversations with the historical bots Cindi, Daneel, Eliza, Eugene and Futura: http://relearn/botnet/portraits_piratebots_def.html

====hellocatfood/Antonio Roberts====
For me this workshop was about giving a human personality to scripts and bots. When a bot enters a room people begin to interact with it  as if it were human.

automatist/Michael Murtaugh
The intial idea of a social shell was to merge the textual space of code (the Terminal or shell) with the social space of the Web -- IRC is in many ways still a bridge of these two worlds as it places humans and code at the same level and creates social spaces around code.