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antenna-examples/ cd .. antenna_safari/ ls cd antenna_safari/ ls ls -l ls ls -l ls cd .. ls ls -l antenna_safari/ ls -l cd ± cd ~ ls write cristina who last last|less ls cd .. cd www-data/training-common-sense/ ls ls -l go+w cmod go+w cmod go+w sources/ chmod go+w sources/ ls -l chmod go+w KDD-steps/ ls cd sources/ ls ls -l chmod g+W chmod g+W software/ chmod g+w software/ cd .. chmod o-w software/ chmod o-w * ls ls -l cd .. ls cd www-data/ ls ls -l training-common-sense/ ls -l chmod g+w training-common-sense/ ls ls -l ls cd training-common-sense/ ls nano Hans_presentation1.html exit git cd .. ls cd www-data/ ls cd training-common-sense/ ls ls -l cd sources/ ls ls -l mkdir points ls mkdir points ls -l chmod g+w chmod g+w points/ ls cd points/ ls ls -l cd .. ls ls -l chown www-data points/ sudo chown www-data points/ chown www-data points/ chown manetta:www-data points/ chown manetta:www-data software/ ls -l ls cd software/ ls cp -r pattern-2.6 pattern-2.6-critical-fork ls cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls su sudo .. exit cd .. ls mkdir bare_git_repositories sudo mkdir bare_git_repositories ls cd bare_git_repositories/ git init --bare pattern-2.6-critical-fork sudo git init --bare pattern-2.6-critical-fork ls cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ cd .. cd /home/www-data/training-common-sense/ ls cd sources/ ls cd software/ ls mv pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ pattern-2.6-critical-fork_tmp/ ls git clone /home/bare_git_repositories/pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls mv pattern-2.6-critical-fork_tmp/* pattern-2.6-critical-fork cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork_tmp/ ls cd .. rm pattern-2.6-critical-fork_tmp/ rm -r pattern-2.6-critical-fork_tmp/ ls cd pattern-2.6 cd .. ls cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls cd .. ls cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls git add -A git commit -m "pattern-2.6.zip files" git push cd .. cd www-data/training-common-sense/ ls cd sources/software/ ls cd pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls git log git pull ls -l cd .. ls chown manetta:www-data pattern-2.6-critical-fork/ ls 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Carolino" -t "O Novo Guia da Conversação em Portuguez e Inglez" -T phrase book --with-library /home/www-data/bibliotecha English_as_She_is_Spoke.pdf calibredb add -a "Pedro Carolino" -t "O Novo Guia da Conversação em Portuguez e Inglez" -T phrase book --with-library /home/www-data/bibliotecha/English_as_She_is_Spoke.pdf calibredb add -a "Pedro Carolino" -t "O Novo Guia da Conversação em Portuguez e Inglez" -T phrasebook --with-library /home/www-data/bibliotecha/ English_as_She_is_Spoke.pdf calibredb --duplicates ls mv html/ /home/www-data/text-generation/text-and-drive/ ls cd /home/www-data/text-generation/text-and-drive/ ls cd generated_texts/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd html/ ls rm html/ rm -r html/ ls cd /var/www ls ls -hl cd .. ls -hl su passwd man passwd passwd ls rm WelcomeAtThisLocation.png ls su sudo apt-get update su emacs foo figlet relearn su exit cd /srv/etherpad-lite/ ls su figlet relearn sudo apt-get install figlet su figlet hello figlet relearn sudo emacs /etc/motd su ssh root@ ssh automatist@ ssh root@ ssh automatist@ ssh -D automatist@ ssh -D 9999 automatist@ setxkbmap be setxkbmap bus setxkbmap us setxkbmap be su node su links cd /srv ls cd etherpad-lite/ ls git status more README.md su bin/run.sh cd .. sudo mv etherpad-lite etherpad-lite.old su exit cd /srv/etherpad-lite/ ls cd .. ls mv etherpad-lite/ etherpad-lite.old sudo mv etherpad-lite/ etherpad-lite.old ls git clone https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite.git sudo git clone https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite.git sudo chown -R automatist:automatist etherpad-lite ls -hl cd etherpad-lite ls cd var ls cd .. sudo cp -r etherpad-lite etherpad-lite.clean ls -hl df -h cd etherpad-lite bin/run.sh more README.md less README.md ls ls -hl more APIKEY.txt sudo aptitude search mysql sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql -u root -p emacs settings.json sudo apt-get install screen su exit ls su cd /srv/etherpad-lite-2/ ls cd .. cd etherpad-lite-2/ bin/run.sh emacs settings.json bin/run.sh git tag git checkout 1.4.1 ls bin/run.sh su cd /srv ls cd etherpad-lite-2/ bin/run.sh cd .. ls cp -r etherpad-lite.clean/ etherpad-lite-3 sudo cp -r etherpad-lite.clean/ etherpad-lite-3 sudo chown -R automatist:automatist etherpad-lite-3/ cd etherpad-lite-3/ git tag git checkout 1.4.0 ls bin/run.sh emacs settings.json bin/run.sh cd /srv/etherpad-lite cd ../etherpad-lite-3 ls more src/package.json ps ax cd /srv cd etherpad-lite-3/ npm install ep_linkify bin/run.sh exit cd /srv ls mv etherpad-lite etherpad-lite-old sudo mv etherpad-lite etherpad-lite-old sudo mv etherpad-lite-3 etherpad-lite rm -rf etherpad-lite.old sudo rm -rf etherpad-lite.old sudo rm -rf etherpad-lite-2 ls sudo mv etherpad-lite-old/ etherpad-lite-latest cd etherpad-lite ls -hl emacs settings.json bin/run.sh npm install ep_headings emacs settings.json bin/run.sh cd .. sudo chown -R etherpad-lite:etherpad-lite etherpad-lite sudo service etherpad-lite start sudo service etherpad-lite status sudo reboot ifconfig sudo ifconfig setxkbmap be sudo ifconfig cd /etc/network/ ls more interfaces sudo emacs interfaces sudo reboot ls sudo ifconfig setxkbmap be sudo ifconfig ping sudo ifdown eth0 sudo ifup eth0 cd /etc/network/ sudo emacs interfaces reboot sudo reboot su screen -r exit screen -r su cd /var/www ls groups ls -hl cd .. ls -hl cd www ls mkdir software ls -hl groups man groups groups r group automatist groups automatist adduser r www-data sudo adduser r www-data ls -hl cd .. ls -hl sudo chmod g+s www ls -hl cd ww cd www rmdir software/ ls mkdir software ls -hl cd .. ls -hl chmod g+rwxs www sudo chmod g+rwxs www ls -hl cd www rmdir auto rmdir software/ mkdir software ls -hl mkdir images ls -hl chmod g+w images su cd /var/www ls -hl chmod g+w software/ ls -hl exit links ls exit sudo adduser lycast write lycast who ls cd /var/www ls ls -hl cd images/ exit sudo adduser admin adduser admin sudo sudo adduser admin sudo exit sudo adduser test sudo deluser test exit sho who whoami | figlet | write f_s exit ping badjak.local cd /etc/apache2/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls more 000-default.conf tail /var/log/apache2/error.log sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log exit cd /home/www-data/ ls ls -hl cd images/ ls -hl cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ ls emacs upload.cgi sudo emacs upload.cgi cd /home/www ls cd /var/www ls rm -rf software df -h ls rm *.pdf ls cd /home/www-data/ ls cd include/ emacs filelisting.js cd .. ls mv Computer_Science_and_Perl_Programming.pdf bibliotecha/ mv Games_Diversions_and_Perl_Culture.pdf bibliotecha/ ls -hl chmod g+w wirelessness/ exit sudo service etherpad-lite restart man mesg who wall sudo adduser polan sudo adduser polan www-data sudo service etherpad-lite restart exit cd /home/www-data/ ls cd images/ mkdir photos chmod g+w photos/ cd photos/ mkdir thursday cd thursday/ cd .. chmod g+w thursday/ ls -hl cd .. mv photos/ photos_thursday rmdir photos_thursday/thursday/ cd exit cd /home/www-data/software/ rm firefox-40.0.2.tar.bz2 sudo rm firefox-40.0.2.tar.bz2 exit ipython exit cat /etc/fstab su exit cd /home/www-data/ cd images/photos_thursday/ ls mv P1016715.JPG groupphoto_P1016715.JPG mv P1016716.JPG groupphoto_P1016716.JPG mv P1016717.JPG groupphoto_P1016717.JPG ls rm groupphoto_P101671* cd .. ls -hl who linkll ls top ls top ls exit ls sudo /etc/init.d/calibre-server start cd /home/www-data/bibliotecha/ ls calibredb --help top ls cd /home/www-data/ mv images/photos_thursday/ . mv photos_thursday/ photos cd photos/ mkdir thursday mv * thursday/ ls ls -hl chmod g+w thursday/ cd .. ls -hl sudo rmdir html cd clear who cd /home/www-data ls rm etherdump sudo /etc/init.d/calibre-server start sudo /etc/init.d/calibre-server stop cd /home/www-data/bibliotecha/ calibredb add * calibredb add * --with-library . ls -hl find . -type d find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; calibredb add * --with-library . sudo /etc/init.d/calibre-server stop sudo /etc/init.d/calibre-server start cd .. cd 6/5/4/3/2/1/0/ ls cd .. ls -hl chmod g+w th chmod g+w 0 sudo chmod g+w 0 cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ls sudo emacs 000-default.conf sudo service apache2 restart exit ls cd /home/www-data/ ls cd photos/ ls ls -hl chmod g+rws friday ls -hl chmod o+rx friday ls -hl sudo chmod 775 friday ls -hl exit top cd /home/www-data/photos/ ls -hl sudo chmod g+w friday ls -hl chmod g+r friday ls -hl ls -hl friday chmod g+w friday/* chmod g+w thursday/* sudo chmod g+w thursday/* cd .. ls -hl cd photos/ ls -hl sudo ls -hl exit who who > who.20150822.txt finger then mail man mail cd emacs .plan ls -hl ls -al finger automatist finger f_s mail f_s finger f_s clear weird top links exit cd /home/www-data/ ls -hl sudo chmod g+w scripts/ ls -hl sudo chgrp www-data scripts sudo service etherpad restart sudo service etherpad-lite restart ls cd /home/www-data/ ls cd photos/ ls mkdir prelearn ls mv prelearn/ wednesday ls -hl chmod g+w wenesday chmod g+w wednesday/ ls -hl cd wednesday/ ls su cd exit cd /home/www-data/ cd etherdump/ ls cd .. cd scripts/ ls ls -hl sudo chown g+w gettext.py sudo chmod g+w gettext.py cd pwd cd /home/www-data/ ls cd scripts/ ls python gettext.py nano gettext.py ls python gettext.py python gettext.py | wc -l python gettext.py > wirelessness.txt less wirelessness.txt ls cp gettext.py /home/cathsign/ sudo cp gettext.py /home/cathsign/ sudo chown cathsign:www-data /home/cathsign/gettext.py ls -hl /home/cathsign exit espeak "hello world" man chown sudo apt-get install mplayer ls sudo apt-get install festival ls sudo apt-get install fim sudo apt-get install fbi clear exit espeak hello sudo apt-get install espeak sudo apt-get install screen screen exit moq mocp sudo apt-get install mocp sudo aptitude search moc sudo apt-get install moc moc man moc mocp espeak hello exit sudo shutdown -h +1 sudo shutdown -h +00:05:00 man shutdown sudo shutdown +0.01 sudo shutdown -h now pandoc --version su ls cd /home/www_dat cd /home/www-data/ ls cd etherdump/ ls /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc su /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc sudo /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc --from html --to epub index.html -o relearn.epub ls -hl links mesg koekoek man mesg koekoek man figlet who write man write man broadcast write tarball whoami write historian test print test | write historian print "test" | write historian man write cat "to be or not to be" | write tarball echo "to be or not to be" | write tarball cat /home. cat /home/hans/shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write historian cat /home/hans/shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a cat /home/hans/Shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a ls cat Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a ssh -D 4321 hans@ ls cd .. ls cd admin ls cd .. cd www-data ls cd text-generation mkdir markmix sudo mkdir markmix ssh -D 4321 hans@ mkdir markmix ssh -D 4321 hans@ ssh -D 4321 hans@ ssh -D 4321 hans@ mocp wall ls cd /home/ ls cd jara ls cd .. cd etherpad ls cd .. cd aiscarvalho/ ls cd .. cd blueberrypi/ ls ls ../cathsign/ ls ../blueberrypi/ ls ../colm/ cat ../colm/hello-world.txt mocp ../cristina/onesandzeros.wav ls ../gijs/ ls ../gijs/images/ cat ../anice/.profile cat ../anice/.viminfo cat /home/ju/hi.txt vim /home/ju/hi.txt sudo vim /home/ju/hi.txt sudo vim /home/juliane/ ls /home/juliane/ cat /home/juliane/petitfichier.txt cat /home/juliane/testfile.txt cat /home/juliane/.bash_history cat /home/admin/bbzz.txt cp /home/admin/bbzz.txt /home/anice/ cp /home/admin/bbzz.txt /home/anice/ou.txt cd ls cat bbzz.txt rm bbzz.txt cat ou.txt sudo cp /home/admin/.bash_history /home/anice/admin_history.txt ls cat relearn_bash_history history cd /home/ ls cd ls cat bbzz.txt rm bbzz.txt cat -n ou.txt cat relearn_bash_history cat -n relearn_bash_history exit yes whoami who write emile hello write colm colm write emile write philll hey write philll date man date man man figlet hello man figlet figlet date +%A date +%A | figlet ha | figlet figlet ha whoami | figlet | write louise passwd ls pwd cd cd /home/www-data/ ls pwd ls -a ls mv from-rythmanalysis-levfebre.png bibliotecha/ ls mv RadicalTacticsoftheOfflineLibrary.pdf bibliotecha/ rm RadicalTacticsoftheOfflineLibrary.pdf ls rm RadicalTacticsoftheOfflineLibrary.pdf ls cd bibliotecha/ cd i cd .. cd images/ ls ls -a pwd pwd -a ls -a $ cat who.png 62;9;c62;9;c cd cd /home/www-data/ ls cd bibliotecha/ ls where stock ls cd .. ls cd html/ ls cd .. cd images/ ls cd .. cd scripts/ ls cd .. ls cd images/ ls scp ManualIP.png emile@emile:/home/Bureau ls cd links ls man ssh exit ls cd /home/www-data/ ls cd wirelessness/ ls eog 0-fiber.gif firefox wirelessness.html less wirelessness.html ls who ls ls date figlet date | figlet ls exit exit ls whoami who write admin ssh admin@ ssh gijs@ -D 987 sudo ssh gijs@ -D 987 sudo ssh gijs@ -D 9876 cd / ls cd ~ ls mount | grep "/dev/sd" sudo skill -KILL -u then su admin && sudo skill -KILL -u then msg n mesg n mesg y mesg n mkdir -v images cd -v images cd images cd ls rm -v images rm -r -v images ls pwd ls mkdir -v images ls cd images cd /home ls cd cd / ls cd /home ls cd www-data top ls ping ping pint pi ls cd ../ ls cd www-data/ ls cd text-generation/ ls cd markov-speeches pwd ls unzip markov-speeches.zip ls top quit() ; exit wh who whoami write historian hello hello write historian "hello" write historian write write historian hello write historian [hello] man write figlet hello write historian write write historian 'hello' write historian yes aaaa hello write ma hello write ma soup write ma figlet "hi" | write ma figlet "the end" | write ma echo "hi" write "test" msg n mesg n mesg y ls mls ome cd.. cd .. ls where whereami a where am i cd www-data/ ls cd bibliotecha/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd hans ls gedit Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt gedit man cat Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt exit hmesg n mesg n links ssh -D 4321@ exit ssh -D 4321 a@ exit exit ls who cd /var/www/ ls cd html/ ls cd .. cd include/ links ls cd /var/ ls cd www/ ls cd images/ ls cd .. cd bibliotecha/ ls cd .. ls -l ls /home/www-data/ ls cd html/ ls cd /home/www-data/ ls mkdir antenna-safari ls rm antenna-safari/ rm -r antenna-safari/ ls cd wirelessness/ ls mkdir antenna-safari ls mesg o ls man mesg mesg y mesg y uuu u mesg y ke man mesg man talk man wall man write write nooooo write admin oi who ls cd /home/www-data/ ls cd wirelessness/ ls cd antenna-safari/ ls mkdir examples ls cd examples/ exit cd examples/ cd / ls cd usr/ ls ccc cd /home/www-data/wirelessness/antenna-safari/ ls mkdir collection ls ssh -D 4321 username@ cd ls rm wall ls cd ../juliane/ ls cd public/ ls exit ls man wall wall -n SOCIAL HELLL who figlet lol figlet SEASHELL | wall -n echo | wall -n wall -n there is no place like wall -n lol wall -n there is no place like wall o yes | wall -n yes | wall yes y > wall yes > wall figlet NONO | wall figlet N00b | wall man figlet figlet N00b -w 1000 | wall figlet TIME | wall figlet SSH | wall ssh -D 4321 then@ cd /home/www-data/ ls exit logout nc man nc figlet lol msg -n mesg -n mesg n ls cd /home/www-data/ ls mkdir -p 6/5/4/3/2/1/0 cd 6/5/4/3/2/1/0 ls touch ;) touch HI! figlet relearm figlet relearn screen -list screen -x test who figlet who write aiscarvalho write wall ls screen -list screen -S test wall it's the 90s chatlines all over again wall echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet -f echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet - echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet -f mini | write all echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet -f mini | write echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet -f mini | wall echo "cybergraffiti" | figlet -f mini | w echo " | figlet -f mini | w mesg n echo "HEY SUPER HAKKER TIP TRY THE figlist COMMAND FOR AWESOME FONTS YOU CAN USE WITH figlet -f" | w echo "HEY SUPER HAKKER TIP TRY THE figlist COMMAND FOR AWESOME FONTS YOU CAN USE WITH figlet -f" | wall echo "FUCK DEFAULTS" | figlet -f big | wall echo "SUPR HAKR TIP #7: Silly people posting on the wall and preventing you from doing your hard work? But still want in on the action? Run two terminal windows and type mesg n in one of them" | wall echo "SUPR HAKR TIP #61: Curious about who is behind a user name? try 'write USERNAME' and then 'snape kills dumbledore' and look for the scream" | wall ls ls /var/www ls /var/www/html/ ls /var/www/bibliotecha/ ls /var/www/include/ cd /var/www ls cd html ls cd .. cd ~ ls mkdir scripts mv history2csv.py scripts/ ls ../www-data/ ls ../www-data/software/ ls mv scripts/ ../www-data/ links ssh -D 4321 ssh -D 4321 relearn ssh -D 4321 luluganeta@ ssh -D 4322 luluganeta@ ls cd ../www-data/ ls cd software/ ls wget https://atom.io/download/deb ls wget https://atom.io/download/deb wget https://atom.io/download/deb --trust-server-names ls rm b2badb30-40ff-11e5-80be-35a2ea0814c6.deb\?response-content-disposition\=attachment%3B%20filename%3Datom-amd64.deb\&response-content-type\=application%2Foctet-stream\&AWSAccessKeyId\=AKIAISTNZFOVBIJMK3TQ\&Expires\=1440074052\&Signature\=a1LH0yeuqX wget https://atom.io/download/deb -O atom_editor.deb ls wget https://atom.io/download/rpm -O atom_editor.rpm wget https://github.com/atom/atom/releases/download/v1.0.7/atom-mac.zip; wget https://github.com/atom/atom/releases/download/v1.0.7/atom-windows.zip ls mv atom_editor.deb atom-linux.deb mv atom_editor.rpm atom-linux.rpm ls mv * ../www-data/software/ ls rm ../www-data/software/deb ls ../www-data/software/ ls wget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/mac/gedit/3.2/gedit-3.2.6-3.dmg wget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/gedit/2.30/gedit-setup-2.30.1-1.exe ls mv gedit-* ../www-data/ ls cd ../www-data/ ls mv gedit-* software/ cd software/ ls acpi ls cd ../www-data ls mkdir text-generation cd text-generation/ ls mkdir text-and-drive cd text-and-drive/ cd ../www-data/text-generation/ ll ls -la chmod g+x text-and-drive/ ll ls -la cd text-and-drive/ ls cd .. ll ls -la cd .. ls ls -la chmod g+w text-generation/ ls -la ls cd ../www-data/ ls ls -la cd text-generation/ ll ls -la who ssh -D 4321 maryl@ xit exit ssh -D 4321 maryl@ exit ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ exitjhgjhvbbbbgùlihhhjjj ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ssh -D 4321 maryl@ ls links exit help info bash passwd polan wall \o/ *\o/ wall *oops \o/ wall \\o/ \o/ ls -r ls bash ls ssh polan@puscii.nl lsusb | grep -i OpenMoko hackrf_info sudo port install gr-osmosdr cd / exit date man date figlet hello man figlet man date whoamiwhoami |figlet | somebody whoami|figlet|somebody whoami|figlet|writeSOMEBODY whoami|figlet|write SOMEBODY whoami|figlet|write HOISTED whoami|figlet|write hoisted all whoaall|whoami|figlet|write hoisted all|whoami|all|whoami|figlet|write|lunch ssh hoisted (mv files new_location) (mkdir new_dir) links ssh-D 4321 hoisted@ ssh -D 4321 hoisted@ (http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/) ls cd pattern-2.6 /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/ > python setup.py install python write anice wall wrrrrrrr wall how do you do that? :) wall figlet -f figlet -h man figlet wallfiglet hello wfiglet hellsudo adduser anice www-data whoami | figlet | write anice "hello" | figlet | anice figlet hello |write anice figlet | historian figlet hello | write historian exit ssh -D 9876 jara@ exit ssh -D 0025 jara@ ssh -D 4321 jara@ exit ssh -D 4321 jara@ who who am i write write man write a man write man date figlet hello date figlet all right message a hello a write a msg no man msg msg man man message msg n mesg n figlet "figletter" | write a figlet "figletter" | write ma figlet "figletter" | write a man write man wall ls cd cd ../ ls cd ma ls cd ../ ls cd ma ls cd ../ ls cd www-data/ ls cd images ls BennyHill.jpg gedit BennyHill.jpg gedit BennyHill.jpg nano BennyHill.jpg gimp BennyHill.jpg cd links exit link links ssh -D ma@ exit whoami who write colm man date p passwd man man man figlet figlet philll links ssd -D 4321 philll@ ssh -D 4321 philll@ links sudo apt-get install sshs ssh -D 4321 philll@ write colm ssh colm ssh colm@ passwd ssh -D 4321 philll@ ssh-keygen ssh -D 4321 philll@ ssh -D 4321 philll@ ssh-keygen ssh -D 4321 philll@ relearn36 ssh -D 4321 philll@ relearn36 ssh -D 4321 philll@ whoami who write louise date man date man man date +%A figlet relearn passwd ls ls -a cd .. ls cd colm/ ls touch hello-world.txt cd phi cd ../philll/ ls exit cd .. ls cd .. ls cd var/www/ ls cd bibliotecha/ ls cd .. ls cd html/ ls ls -a cd .. ls cd include/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd home/ ls cd colm/ ls cd .. cd gijs/ ls cd .. cd manetta/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd ls pwd cd .. ls cd .. ls cd home/luluganeta/ ls cd .. ls cd f_s/ ls cd .. cd dickreckard/ ls cd .. ls cd www-data/ ls mv raymondericother05cathedralandbazaarepub.epub RaymondEric-TheCatherdralAndTheBazaar.epub ls cd bibliotecha/ ls cd .. mv RaymondEric-TheCatherdralAndTheBazaar.epub bibliotecha/ cd bibliotecha/ ls exit hello pfff pff ttt wall free pwd cd/home ls cd /home ls cd /home/wwdata cd /home/wwwdata cd /home/www-data/ ls http://10.9.8 links ssh -D 4321 tristero@ ssh -D 4321 tristero@ ssh -D 4321 tristero@ exit sudo apt-get install pip exit python wallwall universe da date +%A | figlet whoami toilet thursday toilet "lalala" figlet lalala toilet lalala who who | wall wall what does :0 means ? and pts ? write kawaii "hello" write kawaii ls cd /home/www-data ls who links exit ping exit ls -l ex exit whoami who write colm write manetta passwd links ssh louise@ write mantta exit ssh -D 4321 louise@ ssh -D 4321 louise@ q exit exit close logout exit gqrx ssh -D 4321 louise@ whoami who man figlet write jwrite manetta write cristina man mesg it is football passwd write sakasama man figlet whoami | figlet write manetta whoami | figlet | write manetta scp massextinction.jpeg ju@server: pwd ls touch hi.txt ls touch anotheremptyfile.txt ls scp massextinction.jpeg ju@server: scp hi.txt ju@server: scp hi.txt ju@relearn: scp massextinction.jpeg ju@relearn: ls ssh -D 1234 ju@ sh -D 1234 ju@ links mesg koekoek man mesg koekoek man figlet who write man write man broadcast write tarball whoami write historian test print test | write historian print "test" | write historian man write cat "to be or not to be" | write tarball echo "to be or not to be" | write tarball cat /home. cat /home/hans/shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write historian cat /home/hans/shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a cat /home/hans/Shakespeare/Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a ls cat Hamlet_Shakespeare_EN.txt | write a ssh -D 4321 hans@ ls cd .. ls cd admin ls cd .. cd www-data ls cd text-generation mkdir markmix sudo mkdir markmix ssh -D 4321 hans@ mkdir markmix ssh -D 4321 hans@ ssh -D 4321 hans@ ssh -D 4321 hans@