specific things that 'worked'..

what i wanted to do didnt happen. many other things did...
presentation of what one had in mind.. where to start?
is it auspicable to concentrate on shared layers instead than personal ones?
as the personal ones can be endless.

proposal of building a shared glossary. to contain the vocabularies that emerged..
presentation element in the glossary could be a place where to place thje doubts..
if everybody has an in issue with presentation, lets write it down

glossary of sentiments towards recuring things
such as what does THIS group feel towawrds 'presentation'.
inventory of issues, that are not named?

two ways, pushing and pulling.
people from the tracks push issues, items..
or hang some questions to look at..
 question of the track, putting element.
 look back at what we did, what worked and what not.
but then if this is just on tuesday, you don't really have the time for responding to it.

last year similar situation, some time to discuss how hte school worked / didnt work.
very related to the issue of the next school (or not

what worked what not? well, the morning moments didnt. 
how to think about the school while you do the school.

explain why some things happen and what not?

*thursday morning, a set of five scripts. tools network, etc. instead of run of presentations. instead of personal presentations.
*why start at 9,30 and stop at 18.
*why all in the same room

lot of design, let's talk about it.
also undesigned, like "mixeity".

"for example we arrived from twitter".

"yesterday I couldnt come in cos the code was different"

"why there was no presentation?"

through the pad is kind of impossible.

welcome moment was missing. there was by the "DHCP" server.

housing is a most welcoming moment. the autarkic choice of airbnb reveald problematic.


could you do without tracks?
from conversaitons in preparations.. could we avoid tracks?
in a practical way it would always be not call a track a track...

what's the trackness. the structure of tracks varies wildly..

how to collect things -> collecting things in a way that doesn't require an outsider to dig through the pads etc.
matter of interface?

FS: recording vs shared memory (of experiences)
  there's a difference between the two.

ergo: if an outsider reads the recordings there won't be the embodied experience of the issue

H: track preparation perspective: the tension between preparing a lot but also wanting things to 'emerge'

N: there wasn't a moment of looking back on what was done and what happened. 

A: the feedback also needs time, it takes time to process what happened and to formulate an opinion on that. That also makes it difficult to reflect on these things in the heat of the moment
FS: last year reflection of the school lead to a conclusion that next edition would be differen. this edition's preparation was a lot about incorporating those ideas but now it seems that the reflections on the school are again being pushed towards the back. 

F: what is hte proposal for *now*

FS: can we have this discussion now at the moment? concretely stating what are issues that emerge, what things need to be worked on, where do we need to shift

an *unstructured* / *unforced* explanations of the workings of the school follows:

J: why did we have the first morning hte way we had it (with the 5 tools etc), there are reasons why the door has two code, there are reasons why etc

What are there reasons why there where no 'proper' introductory introductions etc. For people outside the network that was weird.

J: Length was one of the reasons (50 people presenting) 2: The 'presentations' where shared on the ethercalc

FS: the emails where not 'this is me and tihs is what I've done" rather; "this is why i want to be with you"

J: didn't realized it could be harsh for newcomers

The housing situation was also a form of introduction

N: the 'organizations', networks, behind organizers where also not made explicit. although they definately influence the social dynamics

FS: coming from another method of organizing; struggle with the non-welcoming etc, the two door codes


T: how much organization/conversation is there between summers? conversation on listss etc?

M: the list is not being used as such; its more about interpesonal relations. people meet on a frequent basis and this is hwere the thinking happens

F; the pad a part of the public conversation which I followd

M; all the time we are trying to avoid participant/organizer division and we should expect participants to want to take over more

FS: how can we get rid of the 'track' structure? becuase it organizes the flow of people in very particular ways

M; it is also how it is presented on the website

H: it would've been better to lose the idea of the track to also welcome 1 day prepared contributions etcc

F: issues to discuss

F: 1: presentation

P: approval from your peers!?

F: 2: documentation

AN: parenthesis(the question of git!!sharing, was it/is it missing)?

AN: when is finished, I have my docu in the repository and look at it, try to understand it, i need it (but not as if i DONT have my back of files I am the seddest woman in the universe)

FS: have documentation and have the struggle to read it (at home, local server)

P: sharing -> the thing is not to do present a presentable project, but rather presenting a way of things that happened and which can continue? its more about describing the track rather than a workshop outcome?

MM: is the form of 'tracks' still a given for the last two days? b/c some tracks have become more guided, where that is not always so desired..

FS: when overlaps are strategically planned to coincide it works well to have overlaps but may also work w/ organizers

M: people initiate tracks for a reason (enthousiasm) , if you leave don't you also take the energy of the general track out?

N: different dynamics in tracks

H: You should not leave people alone behind their computer. Difference in preparation, if there is more preparation people can be more independent.

A: It takes time to get through tools, before asking: Now what. Good to avoid centripetal (?) forces

FS: Time? Summer school?

AL: How to bring Relearn back to formal education. Often tried and failed. What to do with this experience when not at Relearn

R: Different when you organise; it is a longer process; so everyone needs to have a chance to do it all the time, so it is not an exception

M: Some people want to have just one week, others want continuity.

N: Newcomers ...

R: Is it all about way of speaking, presenting? Frustration: try to get rid, but it slips back in?

N: Is it different from last year?

FS: Yes.

M: Could we think about how to end the week?

FS: Options??

A: We have an afternoon? What is the plenary?

MM: What I did? Or: How did I relate to the school? 

A: Finding a way to ...

An inventory of dealing with the Presentation issue:

Denial (no presentation), reorganising, presenting to small groups (many times; not to everyone -- reuse morning script), tracks/groups presenting each others work, using a set of questions to answer: What did you take ... how does it live on ... People will get different stories.

There should be a moment of showing what you did, but how to do it. 5 times 20 minute moments ... what can be done. Some plenary, not all?
No plenary, means no overview?

Thinking through ways ... different things: experiment with plenary of presentations, but still needing a plenary for closing the school.

let's try some wild options, for once.

rotation is the way to go! we'll need to script it; how to do it (and when??)

System script really worked, the questions. This could work for end-presentations as well.