"Hi, my name is Joe. I run 4.1 miles a day at a 7:52 mile clip and I sleep 6.6 hours a night at 55.4% deep sleep. I have 435 friends, 1359 followers, and 1267 connections. I went to 136 places in 24 cities last year, and I drove an average of 32.6 miles a day to get there (at 42.2 miles per hour). In the last 30 days, I answered 28 questions, read 121 articles, and wrote another 12. I currently rank #7 in cool points, but also #3 in douchebaggery."
"Hi my name is Rachel I am parametric: set the first slider over 0.5 on the feminine side the second slider somewhere in between 0.7 and 0.8 sets my age. Furthermore the third slider ideally around 0.2 my weight absolutely fixed, and 4th does not change at 0.8 for height, and 5th absolutely perfectly on 0.5 for proportions. Finally the 3 last interdepent sliders define my ethnicity 0.2-0.5-0.3"
This proposal is an complete infrastructure for another form of personal quantification and re-makehuman a fork of parametric 3d modelling makehuman software.
Instructions to destabilize makehuman software: ../quantified_data/remake%20instructions
Instructions for alternative quantification practices:
- * get time based data
- * get a sense of their context
Sound files are great to record step data as you can hear the steps and the environment and both seem to be recorded on distinct frequency range Add some photos of the walk
You grab your device you capture the sound of your walk then you run the processing file all of it needs to happen live and real time for it to be useable.
User profile, 2 different inputs:
-The sound file
- The documentation images texts etc..
- Make something that will look like a soundcloud interface where people could upload comments and photos according to the sounds of the walk.
Public Profile:
A chat room where people can join rather then a list of friends
Twitter used to send an update and eventually a complex file, as an alternative mean of storage.
Maybe and it would be ultimate a way of exploring the data as a situationist proposition; random choose of a moment an image a network of relation.
About the implications of deconstructing technological processes, a position in between analysis and fascination leading to production of technological props as art proposition and analytical processes.
"Il est beau comme la rencontre fortuite sur une table de dissection d'une machine à coudre et d'un parapluie"
« Les Chants de Maldoror », dans Œuvres complètes, Lautréamont, éd. Guy Lévis Mano, 1938, chant VI, 1, p. 256 (texte intégral sur Wikisource)
Quick analysis of a parametric design and self quantification as "Bachelor Machines"
The Bachelor Machine is a term coined by Marcel Duchamp about the bottom part of his work "The Large Glass" (1911) otherwise called "la mariée mise à nue par ses célibataires memes" .By "Bachelor Machines" Duchamp aimed to express the enclosure that desiring processes can trigger, as they become self fulfilling prediction leading to an infinite process of quest for satisfaction, hence becoming morbids; A little later, in 1954, Michel Carrouges has pursued the concept by applying it to several modern myths (Le Puits et le Pendule d'Edgar Poe, L'Eve future de Villiers de l'Isle Adam, le Surmâle d'Alfred Jarry, Locus Solus et Impressions d'Afrique de Raymond Roussel, La Colonie Pénitentiaire de Kafka). By this analysis he has put in evidence the conjunction of machinism and terror as a modern paradigm.
Furthermore in Anti-Oedipe Deluze and Guattari have used the concept to characterize the process in between the "desiring machine" and the "miracle machine" stating that while the first one rejects the body, the later promesses the venue of a new humanity free of all defects.
The exhibition "Machines Célibataires" curated by Harald Szeemann in 1976 aimed to illustrate the social processes affecting desires through technical apparatus. Bachelor Machines affect "les relations entre les sexes, le fonctionnement de l'Histoire, la relation de l'homme à une instance supérieure" Jean Clair, avant-propos du fascicule ronéotypé portant le titre de l'exposition.
The proposition of this track originates in an encounter that happened during the gender blending workshop and in a very curious manner it appears that the question of social organisation imposing an adiction upon desire loops back to gendered processes and constaining social organisation.
It seems that both self quantifiction and parametric design are bearing the promess of the perfect human, how do they relate to the bachelor machine. Those Machines are Bachelors which implies that they necessarily have a repressed component The Bachelor Machine implies a sensory information directed to the self and overcoming the thought. ."le sujet s'étale sur le pourtour du cercle dont le moi a déserté le sens" Pierre Klossowski, Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux, cité par Deleuze et Guattari. The Bachelor Machine induces spasms of pleasure that circulate at the surface of the body without organ it is illustrated by "The Dancer"
In Michel Carrouges the terror power of the mechanism is unveiled while the possibility of a new regenerative process comparable to resurction or golem is envisionned as an exterior desire.
Self Quantification as a Bachelor Machine taken over by corporate power structure
In the course of self quantification practices asit is taken over by corporate structures it seems that
The inner motivation/addiction are triggered by the quantification processes to the detriment of the most obvious forms of mental and holistic sense of personal care.
Masochistic desire to comply to the requirements of the corporation in terms of number of steps, the machine overwhelms you with a fixed desire that overcomes the sense of self, rejecting the principle of self at the border of the circle at the disposition of an exterior entity that sources the relational process.