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On Trinary Logic, Water Computation and other abnormal approaches to computing
(brainstorming ADM,MAD,DMA)

A Trinary system: What would it be? How would it work?
In  this hypothetical worksession, we propose to research and play with two  key elements of computing, the one of theoretical logic and the one of  the calculating machine. The way we want to do so is to look  historically at these two elements and the relation between them, and  taking into account previous examples of hypothetical different ways  they could work, experiment ourselves by making our own thought systems  and physical calculators.

Can   we conceive of other ways of using symbols, as well as other ways of   calculating? Or rather, can we have different ways to relate to symbols   and calculus? Is the "ideal or actual mechanization of processes of   thought" allowing difference?
Does the logical system come before the physical calculation necessarily?
Can it be inverted and thought learn from a physical situation? a posteriori logic? no framing?

logic  (n.) mid-14c., "branch of philosophy that treats of forms of thinking,"  from Old French logique (13c.), from Latin (ars) logica, from Greek  logike (techne) "reasoning (art)," from fem. of logikos "pertaining to  speaking or reasoning," from logos "reason, idea, word" (see logos).  Meaning "logical argumentation" is from c. 1600.  

What *else* happens when the logic/binary framework is applied to something physical-> ie. pulley logic what about the other elements? the crooked threads, the nails etc..
In  a 'water computer', If water is flowing down a path and meets a  bifurcation, we tend to frame   that bifurcation as a binary, mutually  exclusive possibilities. But  what  if we do not look at the system like  that, what if the division  between  the flow/fluid and the paths/frame  is problematized. Where are  the leaks going, and what do they mean?
Perhaps   this way of looking at the system also shines some light on the   operative/inoperative, working/broken divisions. When we say that   something is not working, it is not that it stops, it interrupts its   movements, action etc. It simply drifts away from the frame, from the   background expectations that constrains its working to its effective  and  efficient operation. The non-working system keeps on drifting, it  does  not follow the a priori rules, it escapes the framework, it  creates by  itself new paths. (e.g. a leaking pipe)

A leaking roof-> we try and capture the leaks, we run after the new dripping places
but then

examples of non-standard logic / non-logic:
    *BUT switch (ginger coons)
    *Treefrog -Kaspar Hauser
    *Asger Jorn's triolectics -> three-sided football
    *Trialectics Levebvre ->Thirding-as-othering (escape from hegel dialectics...)
    *Ou mallon - Pyrrhonism : "no more is than is not, or both is and is not, or neither is nor is not"
    *Bartleby, "I would prefer not to"
    *Balzac novel-> "all is true"
    *Schrodinger's cat, quantum mechanics...
    *color theories
    *barthes the neutral
    *buridan's ass
    *laws of from
    *theory of dialetheism:
Physical machines, calculators: 

"At    this point there enters an element which occurs repeatedly in the    history of cybernetics - the influence of mathematical logic. If I   were   to choose a patron saint for cybernetics out of the history of   science,  I  should have to choose Leibniz. The philosophy of Leibniz   centers  about  two closely related concepts - that of a universal   symbolism and  that of  a calculus of reasoning. From these are   descended the  mathematical  notation and the symbolic logic of the   present day. Now,  just as the  calculus of arithmetic lends itself to  a  mechanization  progressing  through the abacus and the desk  computing  machine to the  ultra-rapid  computing machines of the  present day, so  the calculus  ratiocinator of  Leibniz contains the  germs of the  machina  ratiocinatrix, the reasoning  machine. Indeed,  Leibniz himself,  like his  predecessor Pascal, was  interested in the  construction of  computing  machines in the metal. It is  therefore not  in the least  surprising that  the same intellectual  impulse which has  led to the  development of  mathematical logic has at  the same time led  to the  ideal or actual  mechanization of processes of  thought".
(Wiener, Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine)<ndex.html (?)