The pattern.vector module comes bundled with precompiled binaries for LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR. These should work on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, Mac OS X and Ubuntu architectures. If not, you need to compile a binary from source. To install from source, download the latest versions of LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR: - From the command line, do "make" in libsvm/. - Now do "make" in libsvm/python/. - You should see a file "", which is the binary you need. - Put it in pattern/vector/svm/libsvm-x.xx/ Repeat the steps for LIBLINEAR. You may need to rename option "-soname" to "-install_name" in the Makefile on Mac OS X. You may need to modify pattern/vector/svm/ around line 15 to import the new binary. Please send us a copy of the compiled binary so we can include it in the next release.