Haine, La (1995)

reviewed by
Ben Hoffman

                       A film review by Ben Hoffman
                        Copyright 1996 Ben Hoffman

The world is becoming more and more difficult in which to live. It is obvious to us here in the U.S.A.: the graffiti and gangs, the riots with police, the gangs, the illiteracy, etc. But we are not alone. The whole planet appears to have caught the illness that has become so pervasive. Watching HATE, a French film, we are easily able to relate to the problems the film shows exist there; they are the same ones we have. Even their manner of dress is American in style. As the saying goes, the rich get richer and the poor have children and something has got to give one of these days.

First we are shown a riot. It is said that during the riot a policeman shot a young Arab who is now in a hospital fighting for his life. He has three friends who live in a housing project that, although fairly new, already is beginning to look shabby. The three friends are of different ethnic origins but are, nevertheless, very close. There is Vinz (Vincent Cassel) who is Jewish, Hubert (Hubert Kounde) who is black, and Said (Said Taghmaoui), an Arab. They are ominously angry about the shooting.

There have been many riots and there has been much shooting but this time it is not the same as usual because the policeman in the fray lost his Smith & Wesson 44 and the three friends have it. That makes a big difference as we shall see.

                Written and directed by  Mathieu Kassovitz
                     In French with English subtitles
                                  3 bytes
4 Bytes = Superb
3 Bytes = Too good to miss
2 Bytes = Average
1 Byte   = Save your money
Ben Hoffman

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