AMERICAN BUFFALO A film review by Steve Rybin Copyright 1996 Steve Rybin
Directed by Michael Corrente. Starring Dustin Hoffman, Dennis Franz, Sean Nelson. Rated R.
"I'm not here to smother you in theory," says Dustin Hoffman's character in "American Buffalo". Don't believe a word of it. Teach, played well by Hoffman, does nothing but theorize. Dennis Franz plays Teach's friend, an owner of a part-junk, part-antique store who has been scammed out of some money in the sale of a rare buffalo nickel. Don wants the nickel back, and maybe something else on the side; a kid named Bobby (resourcefully played by Nelson) often hangs around his shop, asking for money, and he wants part of the plan too. Teach wants to cut Bobby out of the plan. In fact, Teach seems to want to run the whole show. Why? Maybe because he has nothing better to do.
"American Buffalo", written by David Mamet (based on his stageplay), is well-directed by Michael Corrente, but what's most noticeable is the three strong performances in the film. Hoffman, Franz, and Nelson work well together. The role of Teach was one many actors in Hollywood wanted - simply because it provides them with a LOT of dialogue - and colorful dialogue at that. The "F" word is used quite frequently throughout, and it's used mostly as a defensive tool for the characters. Their volcabularly is not large. They use profanity as a crutch. Technically, these people are lowlifes; men who once had dreams, but who must now settle for simpler goals. Overall, this is an interesting character study, although it probably plays better on stage than on film.
Grade: B
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