BATMAN AND ROBIN A film review by Michael John Legeros Copyright 1997 Michael John Legeros
(WB) Directed by Joel Schumacher Written by Akiva Goldsman, based on the DC Comics Cast George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris O'Donnell, Uma Thurman, Alicia Silverstone, Michael Gough, Pat Hingle, Elle Macpherson, John Glover, Jeep Swenson MPAA Rating "PG-13" Running Time 130 minutes Reviewed at Mission Valley and Carmike 7 Cinemas, Raleigh, NC (18JUN97, 20JUN97, 25JUN97)
A colorfully clunky costumed romp, BATMAN AND ROBIN is the most lighthearted of the Batflicks. Though not nearly the camp classic that director Joel Schumacher (A TIME TO KILL, BATMAN FOREVER) obviously intended, the movie that Frank Miller fans love to hate delivers many a hearty Batlaugh, from the first scene's fetishistic close-ups (butt, codpiece, etc.) to Uma Thurman's wonderfully punny innuendo. (Address- ing Arnold Schwarzenegger's diamond-stealing Mr. Freeze, her Poison Ivy purrs "I'll help you grab your rocks.") Subtle in ain't, but at least the tone (or lack thereof) is consistent from the beginning. (If, say, Schwarz's chilling puns don't warm your blood, you'll know to make tracks.) And, while said villains once again steal the show, we actually get to spend a little quiet time around Stately Wayne Manor. (Subplots include a bratty Boy Wonder, an illness for Alfred, and the arrival of Barbara Wilson, Mr. Pennyworth's niece, a student at Oxbridge By The Beach.)
Of the primary players, Chris O'Donnell is, again, the most engaging. George Clooney certainly *looks* good as Bruce Wayne, but, well, he smiles too much. (Even during death scenes!) And he keeps nodding, for some reason. (All that rooftop-induced vertigo, I guess.) Alicia Silverstone doesn't add much to the movie as Batgirl, but, hey, she looks good in a costume! (No nipples on the Batboobs, though. Sigh.) Uma's Ivy is absolutely fabulous, despite a weak origin sequence. Arnie is also in on the joke, though his huge costume seems to stiffen his line-readings. (He's much more fun at home, at his ice lair, wear- ing his fuzzy polar bear slippers.) On the supporting front, both Michael Gough and Pat Hingle have returned for a fourth go-around, as Alfred and Commissioner "Don't Ask Why I'm Dressed Like Chief O'Hara" Gordon. Also packaged among the action figures: a wildly coifed John Glover (as Dr. Jason Woodrue, evil scientist), a masked and body- painted Jeep Swanson (as Bane, bane of all Batfans), and a trio of supermodels, Elle Macpherson, Vivica Fox, and Vendela K. Thommesen, as assorted dolls, molls, and frozen wives.
The big surprise-- well, other than the distressing realization that yet a *third* actor can wear the rubber suit and not make much of a difference-- is the surplus of action, surely a first for the franchise. Neither of the title characters does much detective work in this movie, but they do have a high time playing hockey and racing their vehicles down the arms of giant statues and escaping airborne rocket ships without the use of parachutes. Or oxygen masks. (And you thought the Batmobile driving up the side of a building was a stretch!) Other treats: O'Donnell and Clooney's casual chemistry, a playful assortment of in-jokes and self-references, and the most accomplished art direction of the Batseries. Finally, we experience Gotham City from enough angles, heights, and perspectives to appreciate the visions inspired by Anton Furst (BATMAN) and Bo Welch (BATMAN RETURNS), and, now, fully realized by production designer Barbara Ling.
Like all the Batfeatures before it, the film's great failing is in the editing. The pacing is horrid. The action sequences are often confusing. Character introductions are abrupt. Prickly plot points are ignored. (For the nit-picker, though, it's pure gold. How did they know to bring ice skates? Where does Batman have his credit card bill sent? Why is a computer-science major reduced to guessing passwords, and on a computer that actually displays the characters as she types them? Holy Hollywood!) BATMAN AND ROBIN badly needs another trip (or two) through the editing booth. And, given that Schumacher has re- portedly recut BATMAN FOREVER, for an as-of-yet unreleased DVD release, there may be hope for the camped crusaders yet. There's a decent movie in here, arguably the most audience-friendly of the franchise. It just needs a few more passes with the Batscissors.
Grade: C+
Mike Legeros - Movie Hell
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