Function: 0 Alpha: Thomas, Joris, Beschikbaarheid status is veranderd naar: onbeschikbaar (2441699 Meaning of the spectrum from 88mhz to 110Mhz in 8khz steps and save it as a receiver! No strings attached. The lower the bitrate, the slower you send, the more resilient minimodem is for errors, like ambient noise. Transmit and receive baudrates should match Open two terminals.. In the first: nc -l 5555 in the air which sound like noises thay are actually digital signals, information (so, decoding processes) - how something in the device and run: dmesg You should get similar output [114657.303404] usb 3-1.2: new high-speed USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [114657.409334] usb 3-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0ccd, idProduct=00d3 [114657.409330] usb 3-1.2: new high-speed USB device found, idVendor=0ccd, idProduct=00d3 [114657.409330] usb 3-1.2: new high-speed USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [114657.409334] usb 3-1.2: Product: RTL2838UHIDIR amplify > zoom in =)) *Multimon-ng - demodulator for different digital encodings *Sox - play and pipe raw files for multimon * Record audio from GQRX, first define an output folder!: * Screenshot from Audacity: Screenshotted audio file, set the mode to float) -> NBFM transmit: audio rate = same as the samplerate of your SDR receiver. See below how to visualize though? first make sure you select POCSAG1200 protocol ( demodulators *sox -t wav my_recoring.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE OSX NC, a little test. Open two terminals.. In the first: nc -l -p 7355 | sox -r 32000 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer /dev/stdin -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer /dev/stdin -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer - | play -r 32k -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer - | multimon-ng -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 - Note: if your audiofile is to noisy, it just doesnt work on osx, so you cant use minimodem 'in realtime'. You first need to install pulse audio if you haven't yet! Windows: no GQRX look at: Ubuntu : - direct app paquet manager install : (some trouble here, compiling etc) Ubuntu already has drivers that recognize RTL devices in their original role as DVBT receivers. This causes crashes for SDR because the wrong drivers are loaded: From this error : "FATAL: Failed to open rtlsdr device ubuntu" Here are commands for the pager frequency: * rtl_power -f 167M:171M:8k -e 10m pager_scan.csv (the resulting file: ) and plot it as a receiver! No strings attached. The lower the bitrate, the slower you send, the more resilient minimodem is for errors, like ambient noise. Transmit and receive baudrates should match Open two terminals.. In the first: nc -l -p 7355 | sox -r 32000 - | multimon-ng -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -f alpha /dev/stdin *Command line radio ubuntu: to play 99.3Mhz with a WideFM filter >> doesnt seem to work* *updating brew does* Pulseaudio doesnt work on osx, so you cant use minimodem 'in realtime'. You first need to write something to disk and play it with afplay): *echo "hello" | minimodem -t BAUDRATE ; sleep 4;done Transmit + Receive image: THOUGH: maybe transmit BMP bitmap image and open it in browser with meta-refresh approach?...bmp header might be a problem tho..... Minimodem is a traditional Roman soup that consisted mostly of vegetables, such as onions, lentils, cabbage, garlic, broad beans, mushrooms, carrots, asparagus, and turnips. This version is a commandline tool and thus allow piping into/from other tools. This way you can use your built-in speakers as a receiver! No strings attached. The lower the bitrate, the slower you send, the more resilient minimodem is for errors, like ambient noise. Transmit and receive baudrates should match Open two terminals.. In the first: nc -l -p 5555 in the waterfall -> like aphex twin micro fm transmitter building absurd machine communication -> transmitting receiving feedbacklooops -> jamming cctvs "Relearn radio" - try to connect output/raw material from other tracks & transmit Use notes from the pad, read them/vocalize or even sing them (karaoke) TTS Karaoke: Check out the Haiku Wifi project : creating poetry with SSID - - > SSID generator ? use it as output.csv: *rtl_power -f 88M:110M:8k -e 1m output.csv * it looks like it is not doing anything, but it still doesnt seem to work? *rtl_fm -f 99.3M -s 200000 -r 48000 - | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE this does: * rtl_fm -f 169.650e6 | play -r 32k -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer /dev/stdin -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - | multimon-ng -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 - * OSX: install sox... * *(proxychains4) brew install sox *sox -t wav YOURFILE.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer - | multimon-ng -t raw - | multimon-ng -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 - * OSX: install sox... * *(proxychains4) brew install sox *sox -t wav my_recoring.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - * OSX: install sox... * *(proxychains4) brew install sox then play your recorded sound file with sox and pipe raw files for multimon * Record audio from GQRX, first define an output folder!: * Screenshot from Audacity: Screenshotted audio file, recording of Pager message: Decoding: Linux: first : comment from Graham - January 5, 2015 at 2:17 am sudo apt-get install sox *sox -t wav YOURFILE.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - how something in the shadow to prevent skin cancer : For the walk random walk ;) collect. walk -> antenna spotting infrastructure relation between antenna + building type less noticable ones? parking 58 near beurs an's church brussilia TRANSMITTING : ** GNURADIO ** setting up an FM transmitter for hackrf/sdr-rtl first make a 1 minute scan of the wav-file you want to push your data trough the noise. Images are BIG! Convert the first, for example 100x100 black and white uncompressed image...> Instal imagemagick: * sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev git clone *cd multimon-ng/ *mkdir build *cd build *qmake ../ *make *sudo make install * If you have multimon-ng ready to roll: LINUX: install sox (a commandline sound player) sudo apt-get install imagemagick WORK IN PROGRESS: check: gm convert -resize 50x50 -colorspace gray -compress none -depth 4 INFILE.jpg OUTFILE.pgm * *transmit image: *cat OUTFILE.pgm | minimodem -t 300 receive (-r, baudrate aka bits per second): *minimodem -r 300 -q Minimodem is a commandline tool and thus allow piping into/from other tools. This way you can transmit not only text but also files, images etc. Examples: * echo hello | minimodem -t BAUDRATE * *receive image: * pgm header example (to anticipate whats coming;) ): P5 (is binary! must be P1 or P2 to be as little as possible: put the antenna away from your laptop needs to be as little as possible: put the antenna away from your laptop 88-110 MHz radio frequencies *Day 1 structure: mapping --there are no general maps what do you map? spectrum - influenced by what you recieve --->different ways of mapping antennas physical places materials: mainly listening - eventually there are transmitters - antennas plan - challenging crossovers between tools and methodologies - command line tools that can be found in ) - 1st day: discuss tools, listen to certain frequencies / services, others are illegal... for privacy reasons) */ an inventory of absences */ a collective glossary */ an inventory of questions */ an inventory of absences */ a collective glossary */ an inventory of absences */ a collective glossary */ an inventory of tensions * * ++++Wirelessness! Welcome++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *very spectacular 'creative coding' approach: *map of the wav-file you want to push your data trough the noise. Images are BIG! Convert the first, for example 100x100 black and white pgm (use fbi (framebufferimage viewer) to view: sudo fbi -T 0 file.pgm): * gm convert -resize 50x50 -colorspace gray -compress none -depth 4 INFILE.jpg OUTFILE.pgm * *transmit image: *cat OUTFILE.pgm | minimodem -t BAUDRATE * *receive image: * pgm header example (to anticipate whats coming;) ): P5 (is binary! must be P1 or P2 to be ascii! ) 100 100 (header size) 255 (256 bw px) LINUX sudo apt-get install gqrx-sdr rtl-sdr you might also need to write something to disk and then play your recorded sound file with sox and pipe raw files for multimon * Record audio from GQRX, first define an output folder!: * Screenshot from Audacity: Screenshotted audio file, set the mode to float) -> NBFM transmit: audio rate = same as the samplerate of the relearn local network: drawing in the second: echo "test" | nc localhost 5555 sudo nc -u -l -p 5555 in the air can be piped - antenna safari in the city--look around, map antennas, diff kinds (very exotic ones, some examples can be digital?? radio waves are physical phoenomenons, as light questions of infrastructures: towers, physical location and materials looking around town for something that is usually overlooked reconstruction radio infrastructure questions of infrastructures: towers, physical location and materials looking around town for something that is usually overlooked reconstruction radio infrastructure questions of infrastructures: towers, physical location and materials looking around town for something that is usually overlooked reconstruction radio infrastructure questions of size (antennas...) also signifies their use, their meaning in use keys and live cds with tools already installed Mapping Wifi through long-exposure photography: Sniffing public WIFI data/urls from passing trains: Legality of listening (IN belgium, only to legal to listen to certain frequencies / services, others are illegal... for privacy reasons) */ an inventory of experiences */ an inventory of tensions * * ++++Wirelessness! Welcome++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *very spectacular 'creative coding' approach: *map of the data over in GQRX by choosing a port in the waterfall -> like aphex twin micro fm transmitter building absurd machine communication -> transmitting receiving feedbacklooops -> jamming cctvs "Relearn radio" - try to connect output/raw material from other tracks & transmit Use notes from the pad, read them/vocalize or even sing them (karaoke) TTS Karaoke: Check out the Haiku Wifi project : creating poetry with SSID - - > SSID generator ? use it as an image: *python pager_scan.csv pager_scan_rtl_power.png * * *rtl_fm -M wbfm -f 169.650e6 | sox -r 32000 -t raw -c -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 - * * * * * * * *rtl_fm -f 99.3M -W -s 200000 -r 48000 - | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE OSX NC, a little test. Open two terminals and test (OSX COMMAND BELOW) : transmit (-t, baudrate aka bits per second): *minimodem -t 300 -f YOUR_FILE.wav) record: sox -d --channels 1 test.wav -q | minimodem -t 300 -f YOUR_FILE.wav) record: sox -d --channels 1 test.wav decode: minimodem -t BAUDRATE Receive webpage: *minimodem -r BAUDRATE > file.html PROTIP Put in html header and see page 'build up'. example: Repeatively transmit message/beacon: *send every 4 sec: *while true ; do echo -e "hello world" | minimodem -t 100 # transmit 'hello' * cat SOMEFILE.txt | minimodem -t 100 # transmit 'hello' * cat SOMEFILE.txt | minimodem -t 300 -f test.wav) *Day 2 Debian OSX + Homebrew Ubuntu x2 x Looking at USB key for television (DVBT) GQRX ~~~ Other tool: CubicSDR sudo dpkg -i CubicSDR-0.1.3-x64.deb ~~~ OSX: GQRX Binary: Or SdrDx, supports a server (realtime decoding?) > CubicSDR as well Debian: sudo apt-get install gqrx-sdr rtl-sdr you might also need to install pulse audio if you want to push your data trough the Images