Thursday 20 AUG, day 1

09:30 - 10:30 Breakfast+intro+tour of the space
10:30 - 13:00 Introduction of tools & functioning
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch (at Zinneke)
14:30 - 15:00 Dishes!
15:00 - 18:00 Introduction of worksessions

***in between: there are drinks on the stage, feel free!***

introduction of tools & functioning

all together

group 1

group 2 [[Group-2]]

group 3

group 4

group 5

introduction of worksessions

Text generation project
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Algorithm.

Language practices are often ritualistic, what makes them predictable  and open for automation. Legal, administrative or political language  have magic-like qualities. Their words create realities or make things  happening. Do they retain this quality when they get automated and  become algorithmically reproducible? What qualitative change undergo  such language practices when automated? 

[This track is co-organised in close collaboration with the Training common sense-project and will partially overlap.]

Training common sense
Where and how can we find difference, ambiguity and dissent in pattern-recognition?

What kind of assumptions do we encounter when valuating information from  the point of view of an algorithm? In what way does the introduction of  pattern-recognition allow (or makes impossible) difference, ambiguity  and dissent? Through exploring the actual math and processes of  pattern-recognition together, and by studying and experimenting with  software packages (Pattern, ...), methods and reference-libraries  (WordNet. ...) we would like to understand better what agency human and  computational actors might have in the co-production of 'common sense'. 

[This track is co-organised in close collaboration with the Text generation project, and will partially overlap.] 


When speaking about invisible technologies radio is perhaps both the  most invisible and yet the most present. At any given moment the air is  filled signals ranging from cell phone packets, the chatter of bus  drivers, commercial radio stations, wireless internet modems, airplane  tracking signals, satellite broadcasts and much much more. The radio  wave has interesting properties, signals can propagate across the earth,  reach us from outerspace and transcend political borders. These  signals, while physical and legistlated, are difficult to 'own' and in a  way the 'hertzian space' can be interpreted as a commons, like the air  we breathe and the water we drink.  


The city is work of fact and fiction. It is the subject, protagonist and background of an omnivorous and   polymorphic narrative. It is a collective piece written by the   storytelling of novelists, historians and journalists. Its textual   production is also found in daily diaries, in technical and bureaucratic   reports, in advertisement and propaganda.  The city is an anthology  continuously integrated, revised, quoted and  translated, reverberated  in oral and non-verbal accounts, told in  pictures, set in movies and  combinations of old and new media. The city produces stories and is  produced by stories. Narration represent both an inextricable substance  and an essential dimension of urban reality.


New visuals for quantified self data
The culturally con-structed body would be the result of a diffuse and active structuring of the social field. (Butler, 1989)

This topic proposes to explore the functioning of Social networks based  on collected physical data, self tracking and health monitoring as they  are expanding very much, and propose a very specific social context  based on a quantified view of our bodies. 

[[data games]]

Other possible transversal worksessions
On Trinary Logic, Water Computation and other abnormal approaches to computing

Reroam II 

Improvisation, for humans and automatons 